of Gerulata FIFTH experience cohort OUR SERVICES Scroll down

S.C.E.A.R. : Roman army and auxiliary units

The title of organisation, S.C.E.A.R. Is a an abbreviation from latin translation of the civil association, Societas Civilis Exercitus Auxiliorumque Romanorum, meaning The civil association of Roman army and auxiliary units. The fundamental focus of association lays in education and presentation regarding the ancient military history.

Our members are being trained in ancient martial arts and in handling various weaponry (e.g. gladius). This knowledge is used in composing performance act based on fencing and theatre, or in improvised duels or battle reconstruction alongside other reenactment groups based on Ancient Rome history.

Subsequently, our members are encouraged to study civil history and artisan crafts. Crafts are useful for making parts of the equipment (tunicas) or gear (shields,shoes). Least but not last - members are honing their skill in theatrical performance and reenactment.

More about our activities is stated in section our activities.

All roads lead to Rome

During its lifetime, our association was honoured to be part of prestigious events home and abroad. We visited Rome multiple times and were part of main event during the celebrations of Rome's birthday in Italy. We were part of protohistorical festival of Liptov. We cooperate with three museums of western Slovakia. We were part of Roman games of Limes Day in Rusovce, Slovakia. We composed many performances we presented on cultural events home or abroad.


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What to expect in our group ?

If you are interested in history of Roman military techniques, strategy, roman culture and society or politics - you are welcomed here. You will find :


Systematic education of roman martial arts.

Artisan crafts

Get skilled in the artisan crafts by making parts of costume and gear.


Presentation of our performance skills in form of living history and fencing duels.


We are providing educational programs for kids and students and we spread knowledge by practical examples.

Visiting Rome

Multiple times, we were part of celebrations of Natale di Roma.

We offer


Soldiers fight :

Roman army was known for its exceptional levels of military technique. The showcase of military might might be experienced by combination of fencing and theatre we offer, or by presentation of military exercise accompanied by professional narration during the demonstration of life of common roman soldier. Every piece of our program is enhanced by information about life and equipment of the soldiers. Length of the program depends on your order.


Roman guards :

Roman auxiliary troops were hired as the personal guard for statesmen and public officers during long journeys across the provinces of the empire. We are offering you these services too - as the guards during the historical events, culture festivals or private events. We may enhance your history lessons or children retreats. We will tailor you a price based on your recommendations.



We offer educational lessons in handling roman gear, getting to know roman realia, play roman board games, kindle the fire as the Romans did or plethora of other activities that Roman army and civilians performed on daily basis across the empire. This includes presentation of ancient roman cuisine prepared in recreated mobile oven - craticula.

Leave us the e-mail in case you want to stay in touch regarding the news.

Stay in touch


A few photos of our activities

military might of roman army in action

S.C.E.A.R. brings you enjoyment for history lovers for over 10 years. We are here for those who are curious about Roman army, especially in relation to roman borders across Danube. Join us or enjoy our performance !

Interesting facts and member articles

Our activity include studying and enrichment of knowledge that we use to publish in form of article. Articles are mostly aiming to reflect our activities or present knowledge about Roman influence of area of modern day Slovakia.


Clipeus : Shield of roman auxiliary troops

Clipeus: Shield of roman auxiliary troops. Shield was a recognisable part of infantry units across the ancient history. Shield provided protection not only in hand to hand combat, but as the screen bodies of soldiers from the missiles casted from afar by slings, bows or javelins. Shield was specifically...

Ancient Romans were attentive. Having god of river on your side was important.

Ancient romans were attentive. Having god or river o your side was important. Ancient romans used their coinage not only to spread their influence, but they often informed about the contemporary events. Coinage often bear the face of emperor ruling at the time of its minting. Among them...

Visitors of Rusovce near Bratislava experienced time travel.

Limes day 2014. Our group was part of broadcast at the end of June 2014. The matter of interest was the debut of Danube Limes Day 2014. It ws organised by Capital of Bratislava and Municipal office of heritage preservation in cooperation with other scientific, cultural, sport and educational institutions...

Memorial Race 2015

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